Thursday, 24 October 2013

It's Raccoon House No Longer

It seemed like it would never happen but as of yesterday we are done. Over budget and definitely over deadline but it feels good because the house looks fantastic. I think the pictures will tell the story.
Being a month passed the deadline was a real budget killer. Imagine the cost of paying five people for an extra month and you get the idea. On this project I chose to pay by time and material for the general renovations and painting instead of project quote. There's always a lot of debate about which method works best. Time and material usually results in better workmanship because the people aren't concerned about getting done on time and not losing money on their budget. Quoted projects help you keep your finances in check but can sometimes result in less than acceptable workmanship. I wish there was a perfect answer but the bottom line is this one cost me more money than I thought it would and I think the end result is worth it. The house looks beautiful. Thanks for reading and we'll chat once we find the next project.

And now for the pictures:

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